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经济学 B.A.

The bachelor of arts 学位 in economics offers a strong, analytical major. Graduates have entered financial and management careers and have enrolled in law school or in MBA programs.
Associate Professor Perry Singleton teaching
A professor teaches in a classroom.

澳门线上赌场 this Program

B.A. 学位 works particularly well for students who:

  • Pursue multiple majors or minors.
  • 开始 the economics major later in their undergraduate careers.
  • Wish to study economics using an analytical but not mathematical approach.

Program Information









Students taking class outside of Maxwell.

Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs

The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs is Syracuse University’s home for innovative, interdisciplinary teaching and research in the 社会 sciences, 公共政策, public administration and international relations. It includes America’s No. 1 ranked graduate program in public affairs, offering highly regarded professional 学位s alongside advanced scholarly 学位s in the 社会 sciences. It’s also home to undergraduate programs across the full spectrum of 社会 sciences.
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Requirements for the major include at least 27 credits in economics, providing strong foundations in micro- and macroeconomics through our introductory and intermediate courses. These are followed by 更多的 specialized courses or electives. The program is a good fit for students interested in other areas of 社会 sciences, 通信, engineering and 更多的.

Required courses include:

  • Business Calculus
  • Two principles of economics courses
  • Six advanced courses in economics

B.S. 学位 in economics includes 更多的 mathematical/statistics/econometric subjects than the B.A. 学位, including at least 27 credits from the Department of 经济学 in addition to Calculus I and II from the Department of Mathematics.

B.S. 跟踪需要:

  • Calculus I and II (6 credits)
  • Five courses in intermediate and mathematical economics (15 credits)
  • Four additional upper-division electives numbered 300 or higher (12 credits)

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